NYC Pest Elimination will analyze your property layout and the extent of the mosquito infestation to develop a customized mosquito control plan designed specifically for your home.
Take back your outdoor oasis.
Have mosquitoes invaded your once peaceful backyard? NYC Pest Elimination can help take care of those pesky blood-suckers for you.
What are the risks of mosquitoes?

Mosquito Bites Transferring Diseases
Mosquitoes are capable of carrying and transmitting bacteria, parasites, and viruses, including Dengue, Malaria, EEE, West Nile, and Zika.

Light Attracts Mosquitoes
Lights that create bright areas around homes can attract mosquitoes.

Itchy Bites
Mosquitoes can leave itchy bites after they bite you, and scratching may lead to a secondary infection if microorganisms enter the wound.

Standing Water
Mosquitoes breed in standing water, making properties near ponds, marshes, depressions, and containers that collect rainwater particularly susceptible to infestations.
Problems with pests? We can help.
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THE NYC Pest Elimination GUARANTEE
We’re not happy until you’re happy. We offer a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, free return visits, or full refunds to make it right.
The NYC Pest Elimination Approach
The company will thoroughly inspect your home inside and out to identify any current or potential pest problems.
The company will treat the perimeter of your home with appropriate materials, remove all accessible spiderwebs and wasp nests, and use the safest methods available to seal, caulk, plug, and secure gaps and cracks.
We are committed to keeping insects at bay, employing various measures such as sealing, caulking, plugging, and securing gaps and cracks.
Keep Watch
The company will treat the interior of your home and install pest monitors in critical areas such as kitchens, baths, utility rooms, and garages.
We will consistently furnish a comprehensive report detailing the services performed, along with recommendations aimed at maintaining a pest-free environment in your home.
Follow Up
We will maintain communication between our regularly scheduled visits and promptly address any immediate needs that may arise.

Mosquito Control Made Personal
Every mosquito infestation is unique, and so are our mosquito treatments tailored to fit your specific situation.