Protect your home or business from ants by learning techniques for identification and control.

What do bed bugs look like?
What do ants look like?
Adult ant species display diverse shapes and sizes, categorizing into three distinct colony castes: queens, workers, or males. Queens, being fertile females, assume the responsibility of laying all eggs within a colony. Workers, wingless females, engage in tasks such as food gathering, larval feeding, nest maintenance, and colony defense, while they do not partake in reproduction. Male ants, possessing wings, have the sole purpose of mating with queens during the swarming process.
How do I remove bed bugs?
Eliminating bedbugs is possible, but it requires patience and persistent effort. The process may involve trying various chemical and nonchemical approaches, especially in the case of a significant infestation.
Several factors can complicate the removal of bedbugs. If your living space has a substantial amount of clutter or if you frequently travel, bringing new bedbugs home in your luggage, it may become more challenging to eradicate them.
If you find it difficult to eliminate bedbugs on your own, don’t hesitate to contact us for professional assistance.